Friday, July 12, 2013

Yes to the original!! Reaction to last post

Since last post by Owen I felt the need to say something about this remaking thing... or shall we say make it more accessible for people who cannot be arsed to read the subtitles. Well guess what I really love films in their original language, and I will spend time and read the subtitles. In English, that is not my first language. I just feel sorry for people who won't go see film because it is not in the language that they can understand and too lazy to read subtitles. 

For me Lisbeth always will be Noomi Rapace... and not that scary looking girl with no eyebrows. Talking about over styling. I have never seen the US version and I will never will. 
I always try to watch films in their original language. Maybe it is because I grew up in the country where everything was dobbed and sometimes rather badly.
Watch a film in the original language, give it a try.

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