Sunday, March 10, 2013

with French accordion music I watched Midnight in Paris

La Belle Epoque... Flappers, 20's... Zelda and Scott, Hemingway... Picasso...Owen Wilson, Rachel McAdams, Micheal Sheen, Marion Cotillard, Kathy Bates, Carla Bruni....

I actually never seen a Woody Allen film... or have I? Well I do not know I'm a girl I care about dresses and actors... and antique market... and Paris. I have not been... still .. damn you the passport.

It is a story about magical Paris, about lost and found... and how we can never be satisfied with time we live in. One of my friend referred to this film as "Oh you are a wonderful magician, Woody Allen". It is a rather wonderful film. I think it is mainly about this sad uncertain man fining himself. Aren't all Mr. Allen's films about this same character? Or am I being influenced about other people's opinions?

Owen Wilson, he did one confused writer very well. He has this confused look about him I guess, that is way he was in the end so perfect for the role of Gill.

The film did give that feeling about Paris, that it is a magical place, where you fall in love, take your other half to propose and so on. It was made almost as magical as Amelie's Paris.

But it is a very magical film beautifully done. And so very anti american. Actually funny and so wrong sometimes how they were portrayed. 

This film is not very long, and a very very good time pass. I would say it might have got on to my favorite film  list. I am only sad that I did not get to see it on the big screen.

Mind you this film came just in time with this great flapper trend! Oh Gucci

Now I wonder what came 1st trend or the popularity of the trend. I feel sudden urge to go shop for a swell party dress... while drinking gin or champagne! 

Written by Daria dreaming about this Paris trip I will go on one day

Friday, March 8, 2013

I'm bullet proof... nothing to lose (Pitch Perfect)

Everyone on Twitter been raving about pitch perfect for quiet a while... I guess popularity of Glee had the impact on the all singing and dancing films we saw lately. 
I actually never seen Glee, and think I never will. Not for me I guess. 

So I finally watched Pitch Perfect yesterday.... I have seen trailer like thousands of times, but when it was in the cinema I was either at work or watching The Hobbit (yes, I have seen Hobbit like 4 times), and I always thought it looked decent, not fantastic, but good enough to spend time to watch it. 

It was amusing, right?!
I have to say that it was actually better then I expected. Few moments were actually very witty and funny, so inappropriate at times. But it was also very feel good film, bit 90's rom com feel about this: in the situation some geeky dude will sing a song and save the day. Very cute!
I do think it is aimed at teens and young adults. I actually hate that term young adult. 
But it does make you dance and sing, I am actually glad no one was at home but my pets, and they can't complaint about my singing:)  
It is also make you believe in girls' friendship... Anna Kendrick was super lovely in it, despite her forgetting her alternative ways and embracing the a-capella group. 

My favorite character in it if Fat Amy. She is sidesplitting funny. Rebel Wilson is now one of my favorite actors! 

"Sometime I think I can do crystal meth and then I think maybe not..."
"we are going to have aca children"

The scene that gave me goose bumps (yes I am that lame!) is the auditions, they did put a lot of talented people together and kudos to them!
Also the final singing thing with Bellas.. Oh so good! and very cheesy... 

It is a feel good film, would highly recommend it when you feel down. Cheered me up a treat!